5 Natural Supplements One Should Take To Lose Weight

To lose weight, we already know that most of it is concentrated in a good diet and approximately 33% exercise .
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Only, there are some allies to accelerate this process and it is natural supplements. Keep reading and find out what its properties are and how to obtain them!
1. Red tea
To remove, the leaves of green tea are subjected to a process of fermentation which increases its diuretic properties for purifying the body, accelerate the metabolism of the liver and reduce significantly the level of cholesterol. Natural supplements for weight loss Mix it with ginger or lemon to enhance its effects
Take it after your three main meals, unsweetened.
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2. Cinnamon
It facilitates digestion, eliminates gases and levels blood sugar , this controls our desire to want to eat sweets!
Also, it stimulates fat burning even when we are at rest.
Add it to your smoothies every morning or dissolve it in a liter of water, to drink throughout the day.
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3. Spirulina
It reduces the feeling of hunger for two reasons: it acts directly on the hypothalamus and contains a high nutritional value (such as B vitamins and the 8 essential amino acids ), without providing many calories.
Sprinkle it on your salads, include it in your bowls or take it in capsules, with the supervision of your nutritionist.
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4. Turmeric
It is used to lose weight because it regulates the metabolism, detoxifies the organs of the body and deflates the abdomen.
It comes in the form of a yellow powder that can be dissolved in milk or water and sweetened with honey. It is a potion that will make you wake up with your abdomen on point!
5. Moringa
It keeps the body with the necessary nutrients and slows our anxiety to eat more (or badly).
This is because their great values in calcium, potassium, vitamin A and C, exceeding the milk, a banana, a carrot or orange.
The most common way to ingest it is preparing a tea with plants of moringa, adding it to salads or using the powder as a seasoning.
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